June Already?

It’s a measure of how scattered and distracted I’ve been that June started last week and I forgot to update. Sorry about that.

The current WIP is Milk Run, the first book in the Smuggler’s Tales. I’m about 30k words into it and I think I’m about 1/3rd of the way into it. It’s a bit of a struggle because it’s the first book of a new series set in the Golden Age universe that’s not featuring Ishmael Wang and company. My goal is to get it done this month and over to the editor for an August 1 release. Fingers crossed on that.

I’m also working on the galley proof for In Ashes Born. That means paperbacks will be available soonish. I need to get them ready for some events coming up this summer.

Which brings me to the next item, I’ve been short-listed for the Rocky Mountain Fiction Writer’s Independent Writer of the Year Award. They’ll announce the winners in a reception in July and we’ll all be together in a program at the Tattered Cover Bookstore in August. In September, I’ll be at their annual writers’ convention – Colorado Gold – and October is MileHighCon.

So, there’s a lot happening.

10 thoughts on “June Already?

  1. Win, or lose Capt, Congratulations! And cant wait to read what you give us next

  2. I just finished reading all of the six books in the solar clipper series and thre first book in a seekers tale series in the last week. Cant wait for the next book in the seekers tale to come out. Now on to the tales from the deep dark and the shamans tale series. Keep up the good work

  3. Nathan, I’v been listening to your Solar Clipper tales from the beginning, and have all your paperbacks on the subject. My last picture of Ishmael is standing on a space dock watching while his ship and only friends leave. Save him, get him with Diane, or Brill, or Pip, or as Captain on the Lois, something; you know how cold and lonely a space dock can be.
    You write, I will read and collect your works. Thanks for taking the place of Mr. A and H and Ms. McC.

  4. I just finished book 6 and am sorry to have to let go. I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed them. I have a friend who has bought book 1. I sure she will become as enamoured as I. I’m looking forward to what comes next.

  5. Hope you win the award ! You very quickly became one of my top three favorite authors!

  6. Congratulations! !! Now write FASTER!!!! :-; Truly, I know excellence takes time and focused attention. Your excellence is much appreciated. I will strive for patience. Best of luck with the awards.

  7. This is great news! You are one of my favorites – I have quickly bought and read everything you have for sale on Amazon. Anxiously (understatement) waiting your next release. Love the depth and quality of the characters and descriptions in each book. Thanks for bringing to life for all of us!

  8. I just noticed that there is a paperback option on Amazon for In Ashes Born, is it a legit paperback offer?

    I have been burned by Amazon a couple of times buying books that I thought were legit copies, but when they arrived it would turn out to be wildly different than what I expected. For example, I got a 660+ page book (Harry Turtledove, Colonization book 3) printed out on printer paper (single sided of course :p) that was not bound in and sealed with plastic wrap.

  9. Is there any way to put in a good word for you for the award? Do they accept input from the public?

  10. I am finishing my binge reading of all your works and just love your books! I especially love the “ordinariness” of your characters and tasteful depiction of intimacy and restrained use of vulgarity… Appreciate leaving more to the reader’s imagination. May you have a long and prosperous writing career ahead of you.

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