Mid January Status Report

January In ProgressJanuary’s about half over and after being a prat about my work load the other day, I thought I’d share some of the stuff I’m doing.

This image is what I’ve done this month.

The circles around the dates are for my daily walk/podcast. Red means I didn’t walk. Green means I walked and did the podcast. Blue means I walked but the podcast file failed.

In the boxes are what I did. For the first week, my word counts were zero. We were still on Holiday Schedule here with family home and kids under foot. HLW in red means editing. I published it on the 12th. (Green box.)

The red box is “No School” day. It’s MLK Day and everybody will be off.

The good news for today is that I finished the markup for Half Share’s paper edition and I’ll be loading those changes in over the next few days. That’ll be one less book in the pile.

I’ve also taken care of a lot of “back office” business this week. I finalized contracts for foreign translations on Korean and Japanese editions. I paid my estimated taxes to state and feds. I shipped a bunch of stuff out to Dark Overlord Media for a benefit auction for CosmoQuest.

It’s been a hectic month and I’ve not done any of the things I planned, but I think I’ve done the most urgent things on my list.

I still have a lot to do. Luckily, tomorrow is another day…

2 thoughts on “Mid January Status Report

  1. Hi Nathan,

    Do I detect pressure, self-imposed or otherwise, on ya? Chill 😉 I’d much prefer a
    still-writing-and-publishing Nathan than a burned-out Nathan.

    BTW, thank you for HLW.

    1. Mostly it’s an accountability thing. My goals for the year include a lot of work and this is a way of assuring myself that I’m making progress on it.

      ETA: You’re welcome. 🙂

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