Mid-March Update

20140318_090937I’m a couple of days late. It’s been a difficult month.

You can see by all the red on my calendar, I’ve not gotten as much done as I wanted.

On the plus side, Owner’s Share is doing well. The repaired file was up within hours but Amazon didn’t notify the 100 or so people who bought it immediately so people are still finding that they purchased a bummed file. Thanks to a sharp-eyed fan, we discovered why the error got in there – and why I didn’t see it. I should have held the book for another month until I had the time to review it properly. Mea culpa.

I also got the markup done for the Full Share paperback. I’m chipping away at it.

I’ve also gotten a couple of audio projects off the board entirely. They’re not big projects but distractions and distractions are not anything I need right now.

For the rest of the month, my goals:

  • Get Double Share into a paper proof copy for markup in April
  • Get the changes to Full Share loaded into the ebook and paper.
  • Publish Full Share in paper
  • Finish the last two audio shorts that I owe to other people.
  • Be more consistent with the daily walk.

Wish me luck.

16 thoughts on “Mid-March Update

  1. Good luck Nathan! Can’t wait for new stories but I can totally understand needing to get all this stuff done first. May your calendar have a dearth of red Sar.

  2. Good luck sar! Sounds like a busy month. I look forward to having the whole series in print. 🙂 Also looking forward to new content when you get to it. Thank’s for the update!

    1. I bought the ebook of Owner’s share – but it is a last resort. I find it so hard to read on a device. Any eta on the actual book? I do wish you all the best in getting all your many to do’s done, and in being consistent about your walking. Take care.

      1. Paper print run of Owner’s Share is probably going to be available by Christmas. I’m hoping that’s Christmas 2014.

  3. That “Hospital” on the 3rd is just so stark. Thank heavens it wasn’t even more serious than it was.

  4. I love the trials and tribulations of Ist! I listened to your latest walk and I want to reassure you that the ending was harsh…but, not unexpected. Ish is growing up and LIFE = love and loss. We all experience life and sometimes it’s loss of a pet, a friend, relative or even a job. Ish will go on to greater things I hope. I read somewhere that to make your reader cry once was good, twice was great. I cried twice. I retread the book after sensing your anguish.

    I am a retired 73 year old lady and I read a lot. Love e-books. I really look forward to what you will do with Ish. Keep writing!


  5. I have been a reader of sci-fi for over 50 years, and have lamented the shift to fantasy fiction as being sci-fi. I was so thrilled to discover your “share” series, and quickly devoured them. I waited impatiently for the last book, and only discovered it by accident last evening. I was devastated by the ending, but only because I realized that I wouldn’t know any more about Ishmael’s life and voyages. He is one of the most mature, conscientious, honest characters I have ever come across. I have become totally invested in his life and felt privileged to share his adventures and discoveries. You have a unique talent…making me feel as if I am actually on the ship. The daily routine…I can almost smell the odor of the scrubber slime!
    Thank you for a wonderful series. I’m just sorry the adventure has ended.

    1. Thanks, Fern:

      While this series has ended, it’s not the end of Ishmael’s adventure. I’ve planned a new Ishmael series and it shouldn’t take QUITE so long to get the next chapter of his life out there. 🙂

      1. I posted my comment then when it went live, I saw this reply from Nathan. So glad to hear that Ishmael will be back at some point.

      2. Nathan;

        Glad to know we’ll see more of Ish in his new Avatar…The Seeker maybe?

        The first six in the Solar Clipper series are primo. Typo free not so much; but great story telling. (I write Sf too.)

        Your story universe is well done and the tech is so plausible it seems real. The Solar Clippers sound as if they Sail like the old square rigged clippers in the tradewinds. Going Down to Maine and Up to Boston. Hey if Dave Webber can put Horatio Hornblower into space, and make him female; you can translate the China trade into space, right.

        Keep at it bro. Your picture on the website is eerie, I feel like I’m looking in a mirror, almost.


  6. Nathan so glad to finally see Owner’s Share out on Kindle. I devoured this book just like all the others. I must say that while I truly enjoyed it, I was somewhat saddened by the way it all ended. I think I read that you plan to revisit Ish’s story at some point in the near future. I truly hope that happens, as I just cannot see his story ending where you left it. Of all your works, the story of this character just speaks to me like no others. Masterful writing Nathan. Thank You and Best Wishes!

  7. Just do what you can do! It’s your life, they are your stories, we will all be here when the new stuff happens. Meanwhile stay well. You have been an inspiration to me. In 56 days in rural South India I walked 560 k and lost 8 kg – all because you inspired me to get out there and walk (didn’t quite expect to do so much but back to 2 miles a day now home). Thank you, for the walk, the talk, and the writing.l

  8. Thank you, thank you so much for Owner’s share in Kindle! I just purchased the book and cannot wait to begin reading it. Now, what other of your works would recommend to “round out ” the series? And I think I’ll start walking, too.

  9. I love the share books. I listened to the audio book quite a while back, but even though I bought this book, I held off reading it for a while just because I knew how sad the ending was. When I originally listed I was in a funk for a week as a result. This time, it wasn’t as bad, but I am looking forward to Ish moving on.

  10. VERY good books! I’ve bought all the Clipper series on both e-book and audio. I’ve liked them all. I’ve also bought each of your other books, too. I’m here hoping for more books you’ve written.

    Along the way, I urged Baen Books to pick up all your books but, for whatever reason, they haven’t succeeded. Alas!

    The further adventures of your characters will be welcome.

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