The Minus Faction-Episode 1: Breakout by Rick Wayne is a perfectly paced thriller-adventure with superheroic elements.
Captain John Regent is a paraplegic veteran, a favorite patient at the hospital where he now lives, the kind of guy everyone wants to talk to. Some might feel sorry for him, since his service cost him his mobility, but he’s not as limited as it might, at first, appear. He’s got an usual ability (which I won’t spoil for you in this review).
When his secret talents attract the attention of the government, he has some choices to make. Wayne’s main character is a fascinating hero, one of those men who has hidden depths and is truly willing to go to extremes for what he feels is right. It’s an action packed beginning to a series, a real page-turner with no fat or filler.
I recommend it for readers who enjoy a fast and exciting read.
About The Reviewer:
Samantha Bryant is a middle school Spanish teacher by day and a mom and novelist by night. That makes her a superhero all the time. Her debut novel, Going Through the Change: A Menopausal Superhero Novel is now for sale by Curiosity Quills.
Learn more about Samantha and her work at