No-No November

Some how I forgot to post on the first. Probably because I wasn’t looking at my planner. My ADHD has been out of control for a few weeks and I’m also struggling with a flare-up of my arthritis.

Thanks to Wayne Edwards for nudging me.


Dark Knight Station: Origins will have a cover soon. I’ve seen some mock-ups and like the way it’s going. The manuscript has gone to Podium already and will get slotted into their production schedule for next year. Stay tuned.

The Barbarian book I’m writing with my daughter is still in revision and has not been to the editor yet.

I’ve been pecking away at a new Ishmael book. It’s book one of a new series. I like the direction. I think it has a lot of legs. I just have to find some focus and get the words flowing.

All the published books should have a paperback edition. I’ve posted them and I’m planning on releasing ebook and paper for Dark Knight at the same time.

What am I reading?

I just finished Witching for Hope by Deanna Chase. It’s another in the Women’s Paranormal Fiction group that I’ve been savoring over the course of the year. This is book 2 and it’s just as good as the first one.

And since I’m late, before that I finished book 4 in Katie Salidas’s series, Method to Her Magic. I’ve been waiting for that book for a while and stumbled on it when Katie tweeted about book 5. Yes. I liked it.

I just started Night Shift Dragons, book 3 in Rachel Aaron’s DFZ series.

Last Words

These last few weeks have been impossible. Between my arthritis and my ADHD fighting over what’s going to be left over for writing, the answer has been “what?”

As I eye the impending year end, I’m feeling pretty good over all. I will get four books out this year – a feat I haven’t accomplished since 2007, the first year I started writing. In the year since I started using 4thewords, I’ve written 603k words. I’m pretty sure that’s the most I’ve ever done in a 12 month period.

I have a few weeks left to the year to get some more stories in the pipeline for 2021. Fingers crossed that I’ll not be spending them trying to breathe.

7 thoughts on “No-No November

  1. Always good to see you post! Cant await for new Ish stories and where they are headed. Nearing time for a re-read.

  2. Have you tried a dictation software called “Dragon”? My daughter who has extreme tendonitis uses it.
    Best of luck! Love your stories.

    1. I have. Unfortunately, I just don’t have the knack of thinking with my voice the same way I think with my fingers. πŸ™

  3. I came back after reading Wizard’s Butler, which reminded me why I loved Half Share back in the day when it was only a podcast (re-listening to the archive, btw, I love the hornpipes!). It is soothing without being slow. It’s relatable without being remotely reality. Best of a lot of worlds ;). I’m looking forward to getting to know Roger and Joe better (Joe sounds like he has tons of history – not all of it good – that we could explore). Roger also has a rather interesting past which may inform his future a lot. I liked the suggestion somewhere that we explore what’s up with Joe’s sister, her daughter Naomi and the rather sinister brothering-law Bruna Othello. I’m also interested in the wellness retreat/learning retreat idea – Professional Development for Wizards? A way to – gently – recruit wild talent? (thru a literally Magical Retreat, lol) Also, interested in reading your collaboration with your daughter! That’s a great way to spend a pandemic πŸ™‚ #familytime.
    If you have more to write about Ish, that’s awesome too.

  4. I’m finished with the Solar Clipper stories and I’m suffering from acute Pip withdrawal now… he’s my favorite character. Any chance we will see one day a story told fro the POV of the Carstairs? They are such a fascinating family!

    1. That’s an interesting idea and one I’ve been batting around in the back of my brain for a while.

      We’ll see.

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