Almost Over

The year, not the Cat.

But it’s not all bad.


The Wizard’s Cat
I’m still working on it. It’s slow, but it’s positive movement.

Everything Else
No real changes. I’ll probably write more Ishmael & Company. I want to do some more Tanyth stories. (Those audiobooks are still not right and I haven’t gotten them posted anywhere else now that Spotify has screwed up FindAWay.)

What Am I Reading?

Just finishing book 12 of Wandering Inn. Yes, I know. Still reading it. I’m reading more than I have at any time since my post-chemo period. My Kindle stats say 35-40hrs a week. My normal week is about 20-25, so very close to double and I’m still only on book 12. These books are eTomes.

This saga keeps unfolding, keeps shifting. Keeps drawing me back in even as my TBR sample pile keeps growing. I keep finding little tidbits scattered throughout. Scraps and threads from earlier works brought forward.

It’s important because it’s making me want to write myself, again.

I know I’ve recommended it in the past, and I know this isn’t for everybody. Especially readers who prefer shorter works. I know I bounced off it a few times before I finally got hooked, but hooked I am.

Maybe you’ll be hooked, too. Why not grab a sample and see what you think?

A Tudor style house with pointy roof and gables stands on a grassy out-crop under a midnight blue sky.

About the Newsletter
I’m still publishing it on the 15th of the month. They’re not all getting delivered but you don’t
need to subscribe to get a mid-month update from me. You can find them archived on my ConvertKit public page.

Looking Ahead

I’ve got some business-business to deal with over the next month. I’ll be trimming out some of the blogs. Transplanting some of the content. Freezing some in static webpages. Tossing some that never did find an audience.

I’ve tried all my old tricks, trying to get this story moving faster. Even considered putting it down and writing something else but couldn’t think of anything I wanted to write more than The Wizard’s Cat. It’s only the second time I’ve had a book stall. Cape Grace was the first. In that case, I was able to put it down and go back to it after leveling up my writing chops.

I don’t think it’s chops this time.

I think I’m just tired.

Maybe the Winter will be kinder.

Wish me luck.

Until next month, safe voyage.


10 thoughts on “Almost Over

  1. I recently read a lovely series of books, the Midlife in Gretna Green series. In the 4th book of the series, Market Forces in Gretna Green, the main character Nikki, sees your books, in her friend’s library and because of your books and some others decides her friend has great taste. I wanted to mention it because I thought you might get a kick out of it. Happy Holidays!

    1. “couldn’t think of anything I wanted to write more than The Wizard’s Cat.…” – I’m listening to TWButler again again – and can’t think of anything I want to read more than TWCat. But I’ll follow up your alternate suggestions to relieve the pressure… Here’s hoping (and working toward) a healthy happy and survivable 2025!

  2. I just discovered some bad news. You had recommended Bob and Nikki’s Saucer Repair series by Jerry Boyd. I heard on another blog that Mr. Boyd had passed away a couple of days ago from a massive heart attack. Guess it’s time for a retrospective…

      1. I am just about finished with the first in the Nikki and Bob series–good stuff. It’s definitely silly and fun with some real groaners in there, but I can easily recommend for cozy readers!

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