Another successful NaNoWriMo behind me. My goal was 100k or a completed draft by the 20th. I wrote 5k words a day until the 18th when I finished the draft for my half of the Barbarian book that I’m co-writing with my elder child. I also picked up my new habit of writing 2k new words a day and I’m 30k words into my next book – The Wizard’s Butler (h/t to Chris Weible for the title and idea).
Onward to status reports:
Cape Grace:
At the editor. Karen was booked solid last month and is still fighting free. I still haven’t seen the new covers yet. Time to rattle his cage again.
Hostage: Barbarian at the Gate – Book 1
Waiting on the second half from my co-writer
The Wizard’s Butler
30k into it and enjoying it more every day.
Next Project:
I have a list of about 60 ideas. My next task is going to be organizing them to see if any of them have legs. Some top contenders at the moment:
- I need to get back to Ishmael. I don’t know what that story looks like yet.
- One of the recurring ideas from my newsletter readers was a series of Toe-Hold/CPJCT stories about the stations and life there.
- Back stories on all the characters in that universe – notably Lois McKendrick, and the Carstairs clan.
- Tanyth Fairport adventure. I don’t know what that might be yet.
Suicide Run
Podium sent me the official release date – 24 Dec 2019. It should be available for pre-order soon if it’s not already.
Home Run
Still on the calendar for Feb 2020.
Tanyth Fairport
I contacted the production company and gave them a nudge. Fingers crossed.
What I’m Reading
Newsletter readers get to see my reading list. Seems only fair blog readers should, too.
Some of you know I read a lot of litRPG. Right now I’m into Desert Runner by Dawn Chapman. Dawn’s one of the comparatively few women writing in this space and I really like her touch with it. I’m about a third of the way through book one and I’m hooked even though it’s a novella length.

You can find the three book set here:
Looking ahead
My goal is to write 2k new words every day to keep books in the pipeline. I’ve tried it before but 4thewords has been really helpful over the last 48 days (over 150k words) It’s keeping me on track with the gamification. I can satisfy my ADHD by trying new quests and fighting new monsters. I’m not saying I’ll succeed at this goal of over 700k words in 2020 but one day at a time, one month at a time, I’m going to give it a shot.
December’s goals:
- 62k words. That should see me through The Wizard’s Butler
- Publish Cape Grace – although much of this is out of my hands at the moment.
- Line up the next project
Bottom line: I’m ending December with 122k words and a new sense of purpose.
That’s it for now.
Safe voyage.