The month started slow with home repairs and renovation. The dust hasn’t settled yet but the place looks pretty good.
Shackleford House
I’m slowly unraveling the Gordian knot. I’ve written close to 150k words that never worked right. Just this past week, I think I’ve figured out why. Every story needs a focus. The focus I had – the cat – was the wrong one for the story I needed to write. Here’s hoping I’ve finally gotten the correct one.
Tanyth Fairport
As reported last month, the Tanyth Fairport audiobooks have been pulled from publication. Spotify hijinks made me flinch. I’m still looking to resolve this problem and get the books back out so you can get them.
What Am I Reading?
June was Melissa McShane month here. I worked through her Last Oracle series and then browsed a large collection of samples looking for something I could recommend. Must be something about oracles because I’ve just started T. J. Deschamps’s Westside Oracle, Book 1 of Midlife Olympians: The Oracle Chronicles. I’m a sucker for a wisecracking main character and the midlife magic stories always appeal to me – for obvious reasons.
Lydia Kourakos, aka Madame Francine, gets booted from her old, uncomfortable, but barely tolerable life into the political maelstrom of Olympus with all the Greek pantheon playing their roles. So far I’m loving this re-imagining of the mythology including a bad-ass Persephone and a scorching hot Hermes.
I’m settling in for the long haul with this series. Perhaps you might grab a sample to see if you might like it, too.
About the Newsletter
I’m still publishing them on the 15th of the month. They’re not all getting delivered but you don’t need to subscribe to get a mid-month update from me. You can find them archived on my ConvertKit public page.
Looking Ahead
It feels like I’m seeing more clearly lately. Maybe it’s just that things are beginning to settle out. I started getting more regular with my morning walks. They really do help but only if I take them. Funny how that works, eh?
In other news, I have hearing aids now. That’s not terribly newsworthy but I bring it up because they’re like magic. The world’s most expensive ear buds but they sync up with my phone and whatever computer I’m sitting in front of at the moment. It’s only been a couple of weeks but they’ve improved my quality of life in ways I never would have anticipated.
Getting the house in order. Getting my hearing improved. Just getting things straightened out seems to be helping me comb out the snarls in my writing and that feels pretty darn good.
Here’s hoping that trend continues.
Until next month, safe voyage.