June Again

Big doin’s around the household here on the cusp of the month. I’m afraid writing took a backseat.


Shackleford House
Still on the word processor, in my notebooks, and on my mind. The Wizard’s Cat will, eventually, find a lap to sit in.

Everything Else
Nothing has changed in the last month. I still need to get the Tanyth audiobooks straightened out after the Spotify fiasco. I still want to get back to her universe and find out what’s been happening. I’m sure I can find stories about how two captains live in one ship. Eventually.

What Am I Reading?

If you’re subscribed to my newsletter, you know already. Melissa McShane. I’d just started that series after finishing up with Rex Burke last month and I’m finishing book nine now. I love the world building. The characters keep me coming back to find out what happens next. I think this is the last one so I’ll be released into the wild again, looking for a new author for next month.

So I had to back up to the end of April to find Melissa J. Kincaid’s Strings of Fate series. A bit of a darker tale than I’m usually interested in, but – as always – the characters drew me in. Honestly, this series ticks a lot of the “nope” boxes for me but the sample hooked me in.

I mean, what do you do if everything you thought you knew, everything you believed in, turned out to be – perhaps – untrue. What if Fate wasn’t certain?

Lots of romance in this one. Lots of fighting and violence. Gods, Fae, kings, assassins, and a deeply held secret of magic.

Not for everybody but I really liked this one.

Don’t take my word for it, though. Grab a sample and see what you think.

Speaking of Newsletters
As I said last month, delivery has become rather spotty.

I’m still publishing them on the 15th of the month but if you don’t want to subscribe but still get a mid-month update from me, you can find them archived on my ConvertKit public page.

Looking Ahead

The last couple of weeks have eaten me up as we prepare the house for a major facelift. It’s way past time that the place got painted and spiffed up. I thought it would be “call a company and let them deal with it.” Not quite but I think the end result will be worth the disruption and pain. It’s not over yet but should be in the next week or so. The place has been good to us and it’s past time we gave a little of that back.

I think that effort on the house has bled over into me. What have I been neglecting? Where is my siding loose or warped? What’s overgrown and needs pruning? It’s taking time and focus, but I think it’ll be worthwhile in the long run.

Until next month, safe voyage.


3 thoughts on “June Again

  1. Thank you for the update, Nathan. I hope that all the house projects will go smoothly.
    A question for you. After the death of his mother in Quarter Share, Ishmael sees only two possibilities — to join the marines or to sign the Articles. Do the marines feature in any of your other books?
    In your copious free time (ha!), feel free to write a novella, book, or series detailing what might have happened had Pip’s aunt not been at the Hall that day and Ishmael joined the marines.

    1. Nathan, I love your books and enjoy your posts. I have a similar suggestion to Kareni’s. Have you given any thought to giving Maggie Steven’s a book (or trilogy) of her own? Maggie sort of bridges a lot of elements of the world you have created with opportunities for backstory on many known characters plus she introduces potential for military scenes (she is an Admiral after all).

  2. I just finished Wizard’s Butler last night and desperately searched for anything on the Wizard’s Cat after seeing the note on the final page about its eventual existence. Stumbled upon this update, among others on your site. Thank you so much for your stories, updates, and continued creativity. Looking forward to eventually reading more about Shackleford House. (Picking another series of yours to start reading today!)

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