When I look back, last month was pretty much all writing. My walking didn’t happen except for a few scattered instances. That problem needs to be resolved this month.
I wrote every day last month except for the one day I took off last week.
Salt is still hanging fire. Neither of us could get it together to finish the cover or the edits. It’s one of those tasks that just seemed to get put off day after day.
The New Ishmael
The bad news is that I still haven’t found the end. The good news is that I’ve found the story. Yes, this is definitely more than one book. At 250k words already, I’m relatively certain it’s going to be three before I’m done.
The Wizard’s Cat is on deck and mewing for attention.
The Wizard’s Butler dropped. I’ve swapped the covers to use the Podium artwork.
Dark Knight Station: Origins should release on 6/29. Look for the pre-order mid month. Podium shared their version of the cover and it’s pretty spiffy. I may adopt it the way I did for the last book.
What Am I Reading?
The stand out read of the last few days has been book three of James Beamon’s Pendulum Heroes series – The Pendulum War.
I’ve talked about this series before and the newest volume reminded me just how much I enjoyed the first two and Beamon’s ability to spin a tale. It continues the story of four guys caught in a game and learning that, sometimes, winning isn’t everything. The stand out feature in this volume has been the character growth for each member of the ensemble cast. James has woven a terrific tale.
I’ve linked the first book of the series Pendulum Heroes. Maybe grab a sample and see what you think.
[Transparency: James and I both serve on the board of directors for SFWA. I’m not getting anything for promoting this book beyond the knowledge that I’ve shared a good book with you.]

Last Words
April was as much of a struggle as March, but I’m feeling better about May. My ADHD is still kicking my butt, although I’ve made progress on rebuilding the cage around it. Ishmael’s adventure has some form now. I’ve redone the alarms on my phone to help me stay in the moment and focused on what’s really important instead of what’s shiny. I’m fully vaccinated and the rest of the household should be within the next couple of weeks.
In short, I’m doing better and looking forward to what may be a more productive month.
Safe Voyage.
I missed checking on this at the beginning of teh month, but yay still here. Im looking forward to your next Ish books, but also pretty much everything you write. Stay sane and healthy!
Looks like I will read through the Ishmael series again – I am so hoping you and he can come to a finish point soon. I really enjoy the series and read it three to four time a year. It ranks with my favorite all time reads. Good health and good writing!
Love your books and the audios as well. Just finished the Southcoast Shaman series. I’ve delayed reading that one because I knew there was domestic violence in it; however it was so good and I am glad I read the series. Will we see Sarah again?
Again thanks so much for great books. I’ve read everything you have published and just downloaded Dark Knight Origins. Can’t wait!
Just started The Wizard’s Butler. I want to know where I can get those pixies and fairies. 🙂 I’m already looking forward to The Wizard’s Cat as well as the next installment of Ismael’s life. Is Ish ever going to find the owners of his remaining Whelkies?
Also, I’ve finding other authors who are referencing Traders Tales in their work.
I can’t thank you enough for your skills at storytelling. I have been intrigued and comforted by Ishmael’s journeys in the Deep Dark–and the cast of characters that you have woven to accompany him. Sad when I finished all of Solar Clipper series, including the excursions with Zoya and Natalya–very well done subtle melding with Ishmael’s world.
As I near the end of the Wizard’s Butler–enchanted and held by the story and so I listen more slowly savoring each moment: the dialogue, the collection of characters, the sensory tastes, smells, and surroundings.
I wait with anticipation for more about the Roger and the Wizard and to discover what new adventures Ishmael will find in the universe.
I especially enjoy and respect your talent at created suspense without the insertion of gratuitous violence, explosions, and illogical plot development. You are a superb craftsman of words, emotions, and story!
I need to extend my reading to your other collections. All the best with your continued work.