Like every month isn’t a novel writing month here, but NaNoWriMo gets the whole family involved. If they’re not writing, at least they understand why I’m grumpier than normal at being interrupted.
Cape Grace:
Finally. I’ve got the beta reader feedback loaded up. It’s pushed the story out a bit but I’m good with what I’ve got.A lot of the feedback had to do with the disconnects between Cape Grace and Half Share. There were a lot of them but I’ve done some word-fu on Cape Grace to bring it more into alignment. I can’t tell if it’s right yet. I’m too close to it. I answered one of the outstanding questions as well. The situation isn’t resolved exactly, but at least there’s an answer.
I’ve been toying with the idea of a third book to finish up the Shaman’s Tales on St Cloud. If I go down that rabbit hole, it’ll be called Troy Harbor. Once you’ve read Cape Grace, that title will make more sense. I hope.
Milk Run:
Audio was out October 1.
Suicide Run:
Scheduled for December 24.

Home Run:
February 2020, but I don’t have a firm date yet. Watch this space.
Tanyth Fairport Adventures:
Still in production.
What’s next?
The NaNoWriMo project is book one of the Barbarians. I’m co-writing it with my elder child and we’ve been nerding out over it for – literally – months. We have no idea if it’s going to work. We’re still struggling with how it’s going to work. For the moment, we’re operating on instinct and blind luck, because the planning is “We’ll each do a part. Magic happens. Publish the book.”
I’m pretty sure that’s not going to work out as smoothly as we hope, but I’m equally sure it won’t be as terrible as we fear. I write a lot faster than she does, but we’re both hooked on 4thewords these days. I’m figuring we’ll have most of the book down on the page by the end of November. The tricky bits will happen after that. I’ll let you know how it worked out in December.
Looking Ahead
With the completion of Cape Grace, I’m done with the books I’ve promised to write. My project board is blank after this experiment in co-writing. In theory it’s a trilogy. It might wind up a bust and never get off the drawing board.
This year has been hell. It’s a year I don’t want to repeat. With only one novel – and I’ll be lucky to get it actually published in December – it’s one of the lowest levels of production I’ve done since I got my rights back in 2012. I don’t want 2020 to be a rerun. While it seems a little early to be thinking about next year, if I don’t plan for it now, I’ll be launching into the void in January.
If you’ve listened to “Talking On My Morning Walk,” you’re up to speed on some of this but for those who’ve missed an episode or two, a recap:
1. 4thewords. It’s a gamification of writing. I’m writing more and having a blast doing it. I think it’ll be a game changer into 2020 as I write hard to keep the streak (and daily averages) up. ( – my referral code is MIXZI00906 if you want to friend me as Rhasha.)
2. A new hardcopy planner. My friend and colleague Corinne O’Flynn has designed an published a writer’s planner. I picked up my copy and I’m totally sold on it. I just need a plan for the year.
3. My number one goal is four novels. I’m getting old and my clock is ticking. I want to get more stories out before I write “the end” for my personal work-in-progress. I need to scope out what those stories will be. At least one of them will be back in the Deep Dark.
4. My number two goal is 2,000 words a day. While this feels backwards – focusing on how many words and not on the stories – I think it’ll pay off in the long run. I just need to lay out a few projects so that when I get done writing one, I can move into the next one without floundering around. While 2,000 words a day isn’t a big number compared to what I’m capably of, I’m trying to get some consistency so I don’t have months pass between projects. I don’t know if it’ll work or not, but if it does – that’s about 7 novels worth of writing. While not all of the writing will be novels (I’m counting this post, for example), it should be more than enough for me to get four novels worth of stories out next year.
So that’s it for this month. I’m writing this ahead so it can drop on schedule. By the time you read this, I’ll be writing my fingers off and slaying monsters as I go.
Safe voyage.
Thanks for the update captain. Just reread the 13(?) books in the solar clipper universe for the fourth time. Will now reread the Tanyth fairport series for the third time as I anxiously await the next book. Impatiently waiting but I understand how hard it is to write books that are both internally and series wise consistent. I’ve found a couple of typos and inconsistencies, but I haven’t yet remembered to note the exact location to send feedback. I’ll try to send on the next read thru.
Milk Run in audio for Christmas, eh? Looking forward to The Barbarians, however it runs. Best!
Wups; meant Suicide Run.
Good goals and good luck!