Tag Archives: C. J. Archer

The Watchmaker’s Daughter

watchmakers-daughterI’m a sucker for a good steampunk novel. A lot of people try to write it but not all of them succeed. C. J. Archer nails it.

From the opening scenes to the denouement, I followed the plucky heroine – India Steele – through the streets of a not-quite-familiar London as she tries to aid her new employer find a mysterious watchmaker. She wrestles with her new circumstances, fights with the guild, and nearly gets caught up in a dangerous gambling hell. The ending gave just enough of a well-constructed twist that I felt both vindicated (I saw that coming) and surprised (but not that).

I can’t say much about the plot or the characters without spoilers so I’ll just say, I thoroughly enjoyed Mr. Glass, his crew, and even his slightly off-center aunt. India Steele proved herself up to the challenge and left me looking for the sequel – which just came out last month.

I liked it a lot. If you like good steampunk – with just a taste of je ne sais quoi – grab a sample of The Watchmaker’s Daughter and see what you think for yourself.

About the reviewer:

NathanLowell_150x150Nathan Lowell has been writing science fiction and fantasy most of his life. He started publishing in 2007 and has no intention of stopping any time soon.

Learn more about Nathan Lowell and his works at http://nathanlowell.com

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