Tag Archives: Ed Robertson


Transparency: I’ve known Ed Robertson virtually for a long time. In spite of that, I still like him and his books. This book – Outlaw – is the first of a trilogy that kept me flipping pages like a madman.

Ed has a way of spinning his characters and plots that keeps me guessing but still satisfies my “A-ha!” bump. Even his robots came off so well-rounded, I grieved for them in the end. According to my Amazon list, I zipped through all three of these books in a matter of days and I don’t do that unless there’s something there to pull me along. Something more than knowing the author virtually.

This action filled space opera worked for me, right from the start. Why not grab a sample and see if it works for you?

About the reviewer:

NathanLowell_150x150Nathan Lowell has been writing science fiction and fantasy most of his life. He started publishing in 2007 and has no intention of stopping any time soon.

Learn more about Nathan Lowell and his works at http://nathanlowell.com

[Note: You’re seeing more reviews from me because fellow authors aren’t sending reviews of the books they like. If you’re an author, consider the submitting a review about an indie book you loved. The submission guidelines link is at the top of this page.]