Tag Archives: Joshua Dalzelle

Omega Rising

Joshua Dalzelle doesn’t need my help in selling books. He’s got a whole cadre of people to help him and he’s doing great. If you haven’t heard of Dalzelle by now, you’re probably not trying.

Omega Rising is the first book of the series and it captured me from the start. From the strange ship in the night to the helpful robot sidekick to an adventure in deep space, Dalzelle creates a rollicking adventure story featuring Jason Burke, ex-pat Earthling. This is military sf in the grand tradition of shoot now and sort out the wreckage later. According to my Amazon content list, I waded through the first four books in this series in about eight days.

Yeah, I liked it a lot, but why not climb aboard a sample and see what happens when you push that button over there?

About the reviewer:

NathanLowell_150x150Nathan Lowell has been writing science fiction and fantasy most of his life. He started publishing in 2007 and has no intention of stopping any time soon.

Learn more about Nathan Lowell and his works at http://nathanlowell.com

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