September Harvest

Car troubles resolved. Awnings installed, just in time for fall. Oh, and writing happened.


Shackleford House
I’m still writing almost every day. “Don’t Think” has served me well so far. I think I’ll continue not to do it when it comes to thrashing words together for the Cat.

No Change
I’ve made no progress on getting the audio for Tanyth Fairport sorted, work on the sequel to Salt, or (obviously) any new Solar Clipper stories.

What Am I Reading?

I spent a good portion of my reading time working through my samples in August. Lots of pretty good but Sarah J. Hoodlet’s Way of the Wielder stands out for its excellence.

Great cast of characters. Loved the world-building, especially the magic system. The plot’s intricate folds opened at just the right pace to keep me reading and reading.

The only downside is that volume 2 isn’t due until late November.

But don’t take my word for it. Maybe grab a sample of Way of the Wielder and see if it works as well for you as it did for me.

A young woman with a flowing ponytail gazes raptly into a crystal sphere held in her right hand. She wears a gown and a gauzy cape. A shadowy village hides in the foggy background and stylized flowers adorn the cover's borders

About the Newsletter
I’m still publishing them on the 15th of the month. They’re not all getting delivered but you don’t need to subscribe to get a mid-month update from me. You can find them archived on my ConvertKit public page.

Looking Ahead

The fires are out for now. The smoke has cleared. Autumn’s cool, clean air has begun pushing aside the broiling heat of summer. I expect we’ll still have a chance for more 90F weather but it feels like summer has moved on.

I’ve set a goal to get a draft of the Cat done by the end of November. I don’t know if I’ll make it. Life has a way of playing games with my focus. I’m also working on a way to salvage some of the old files from the Solar Clipper Diary without installing another WordPress instance, mostly to cut down on the number of hackable opportunities. It’s a different kind of writing, but one that massages the proper nodes in my brain. The little wins there translate directly into new words for the Cat.

Fingers crossed that it continues because I’m liking it. A lot.

Until next month: Safe Voyage.

2 thoughts on “September Harvest

  1. Happy August. Bits of fall are starting to show in the cooler nights and cooler days here in the NM mountains. Not much writing going on here though. I do think turning my brain off helps. Carry on.

  2. Good to hear that the local fast packet troubles have been resolved. I for one would very much like to hear stories of Ish’s mentors: Chief Stevens, Sifu Newmar, Alys Giggone among others. I’m curious about how they got to where they are, and helped/were helped along the way. They must have gotten many examples of ‘how to be a good boss,’ and possibly some of how NOT to be.

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