Day 2231: Two in a Row

It’s not a trend yet, but I’m working on it.
#tommw 28F partly cloudy. Light breeze

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4 Responses to Day 2231: Two in a Row

  1. Robert Gregory Evans says:

    Why is the new cat banished to the bedroom and not given the freedom of the station…er, the house? 😉

  2. Anita Lewis says:

    Nice to hear from you!!

  3. Bob Leggat says:

    Wah Wah Wah. What woe is me drivel. I listened to Tuesdays podcast and nearly cried. As one of my very favorite authors I know you to have an immense talent. To hear of you moping around mentally masturbating over some game was heartbreaking. I believe it was Buddha who said man’s greatest mistake is thinking he has time. Is this truly how you chose to spend yours?

    Today seemed better. Please believe there are thousands of fans cheering for you to keep that damn mask on and climb out of your physic hole. Know you are loved and cherished for all you’ve shared, whether or not you ever write another word. Also understand we’re an anxious, greedy bunch that would love to share more of the worlds your mind creates.

    Be well.

    • Robert Gregory Evans says:

      Not too far different than my own reaction. In Milk Run Natalya repeatedly accuses Josh Lyons of being a mope and challenging him to rise above it. Or, in Ishmael terms, get your head out of your ass. Does the family have a dog? Take the dog on the daily walk. Give the new cat the freedom of the station and deal with the consequences.

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