Turning the Corner

I’m not out of the woods yet but I can see some breaks in the trees ahead.

Eating is still a problem. Likewise hydration. Sleeping has become easier. I’m not drowning in my own phlegm any more. I’m beginning to see a bit of light ahead.

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6 Responses to Turning the Corner

  1. Anita Lewis says:

    It sounds really tough. Good thing you’re a tough ole coot! Well, at least I heard someone call you something like that. 😉 Good to hear there is some light peeking through there. Thanks for the update.

  2. Jim says:

    We’ll keep the urns on the mess deck hot and the pastries fresh when you are good and ready Sar.

  3. Valerie Axline says:

    Sounds promising. Here’s hoping for better and better every day. My continued best wishes.

  4. Robert Gregory Evans says:

    Do the autodocs of Ish’s time period treat/cure cancer and other diseases of old age?

  5. Edward Hanzel says:

    I am glad you are on the rebound and I look forward to hearing you on your morning walk.

  6. Dan Thompson says:

    Pulling for you! I’ve been down with COVID myself, so I’m glad to hear you’re on the path to recovery.

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