Still Here

I don’t spend much time here at my desk so a lot of my connections are going unanswered. Sorry about that.

I’m slowly on the mend. I’ve started a little light walking, and some weight work to try to rebuild a bit of muscle mass. My mouth is still the main problem. I can’t eat properly yet because my tongue has a mind of its own these days.

Thanks for hanging in with me.

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5 Responses to Still Here

  1. Anita Lewis says:

    Hi there! It’s sounds like the process is going in a positive direction. I hear the struggle, too. Hang in there!

  2. Paul says:

    Nathan we will all be here to read your books when you are ready.

    Look after your good self Sar.

    There are a lot of people around the world in your court.

    Ta for what you do – you make a difference.

    Have a great day.

    Paul from Aussie Land

  3. Valerie Axline says:

    These are steps in the right direction. I’ll keep you and your family in my thoughts, and keep hoping for continued recovery! Cancer treatment takes a lot out of a person. Like Ishmael studying for his full share, I’ll hope for one bite at a time literally, and figuratively. You’ll get this elephant down, I believe it!

  4. Dan Thompson says:

    Glad to hear it.

  5. Laura Plank says:

    This is my first time posting though I read to keep track of your progress. Seems like getting well is a full time job. I sometimes read your book recommendations and today I’ve started The Choice of Magic and it seems promising. Thank you for the time you spend keeping connections with fans.

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