Day 2406: Autumn Calling

The cool air has me thinking about Autumn. The last few days have been pretty pleasant weather-wise. I talked about what’s been going on for the last few days. I’m reading P D Ball’s Princess Cayce series and loving it. It’s dragging me away to a fantasy land.

#tommw 50F clear. Calm
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2 Responses to Day 2406: Autumn Calling

  1. Robert Evans says:

    My condolences on the loss of your pet. I have to wonder if the inability to finish The Wizard’s Cat is tied psychically to Cannoli’s last days?

    Re: website consolidation. Would seem simple enough to put everything on, utilizing tabs – – one labeled ISHMAEL WANG, another labeled TANYTH FAIRPORT, a third labeled TOMMW, a fourth WIZARD’S BUTLER. You’ve indicated in the past that Salt is part of Tanyth’s universe.

    Re: revisiting Tanyth. To me, the most obvious storyline is the volcano where Tanyth and Frank are currently living. It’s an active volcano – – not extinct – – fumaroles, mud pots and hot springs indicate it is as geologically active as the Yellowstone caldera. It’s not a place for long-term storage of priceless manuscripts such as are found in the hermitage’s library. A book in which Tanyth, Frank and their friends work desperately to save the collection before an eruption might be one idea, with either a happy ending (the collection saved) or bittersweet ending (collection lost, similar to the library at Alexandria). If the collection is saved, further books could discuss efforts to organize it and preserve it – – think of a combination monastery/college, with employment found for “wise women” as scribes, teachers, etc. A safe refuge for such women from the violence of men. One of Tanyth’s mentor women was mentioned in the original series as still wandering the world, doubtless she would be interested in a safe place to retire.

    Re: Wizard’s Cat. Since you have indicated that the titular cat doesn’t have a firm name, it would be simple enough to give Cannoli a tribute by borrowing his name, and giving him a suitable Italian provenance, in the dumpster of an Italian restaurant being the most obvious.

  2. Tibbi says:

    I am sorry to hear of Canoli’s passing. I hadn’t realized it’s been 3 years.

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