Day 2426: Schedules?

We don’t need no steenking schedules. I know I’m reading a good book when I spent 90 minutes on a bowl of cereal and toast.

I talked about Jerry Boyd’s Bob and Nikki (again) and spent too much time geeking out about Factorio (again). At least I walked and feel better for it.

A wide band of clouds hides the sun to the east, muting the colors. Lots of leaves missing from the branches.
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One Response to Day 2426: Schedules?

  1. Tara Li says:

    I tend to have to turn off the book’s CSS for Bob & Nikki – and many if not most ebooks. It’s a useful feature that CoolReader3 has. Jerry is writing pulp fiction – think Doc Savage or the Hardy Boys. When you look at it, Heinlein’s output, by book count, isn’t actually that large – Nora Roberts broke that mark probably a decade ago, L. E. Modesitt, Jr. has done it, Piers Anthony probably a decade ago, also. Still, your quality is quite high – definitely higher than that Jerry Boyd or Bob Blanton, at least the equal of Mackey Chandler, and possibly on a level with Modesitt. I think one of the things that held Heinlein back was he didn’t really do series – sure, there’s the later Future History/World as Myth novels, but those are more the same universe than truly a series. But for the most part, other than some elements, he was creating a new world for each novel. Gulf is explicitly called out in Friday, Between Planets introduces Horst-Conrad impellers that show up in Starman Jones, etc – but it’s elements, not the full universe that is shared.

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