Day 2528: New Phone. Who dis?

Clunky but I think it works. Lemme know how the audio quality is.

Later start than I wanted because I baked bread this morning. I talked about why I have a new phone, Wandering Inn, and X4.

#tommw 54F clear. Light breeze
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4 Responses to Day 2528: New Phone. Who dis?

  1. Robert Gregory Evans says:

    I found the sound quality to be good.

  2. Zebulon Dakota says:

    There’s a bit a static or crackle in the background. Not enough to overpower your voice, but enough to be annoying. When you got the new mic, the sound quality was quite good. Not really sure what you’re using now.

  3. Zebulon Dakota says:

    The static stopped when you put it in your pocket, so I think there’s still some sort of connector thing going on.

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