Weekly Update

I’m still upright and taking nourishment. Between the cold, the snow, and the cold snow I’ve had a hard time getting out. The last few days of sub-zero (before windchill) have kept me indoors chipping away at stuff.

Two of my old websites have gone away. A third is about to be restructured. I’ve accomplished a lot even if it’s mostly getting caught up on deferred maintenance.

I’m pretty sure tomorrow will be more of “are you kidding?!” temperatures but we’ll see how the week unfolds.

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Day 2584: Ah, Winter

How you vex me.

The temps and conditions made the walk possible so I took advantage. Talked about my morning routine, probably too much, and what I’m trying to do with my Practice this year.

#tommw 26F Light breeze. Broken clouds.
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Winter Woes

Ice. Snow. Today: High Winds.

Added to “Press Button: Bzzt”

About all I can say is “Still here.”

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