Day 2235: I’m Back

I’m celebrating that my “day off” was only the one day. Let’s see how this week goes.
I talked a lot about SFWA and the new membership qualification rules that went to the membership for a vote over the weekend.
#tommw 28F partly cloudy. Calm

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2 Responses to Day 2235: I’m Back

  1. Robert Gregory Evans says:

    LOL on “problematic people.” Almost as good a codeword as Hillary Clinton’s “basket of deplorables,” hey?

  2. Clark Baker says:

    Your comments on SFWA resonated with my experiences with an organization of square dance callers. Who can be a member? Does it depend on years calling, # dances called per year, size of dances, amount of money earned, hobby, part time, full time caller, etc. The existing, long time callers want to create an organization for themselves, control who can join, and at the same time, say they want to help newer callers.

    When we create this new organization with the correct, forward thinking people, we don’t want it overrun by others who don’t share our goals and ideals so we need slow, controlled growth — say each existing member can invite two friends.

    I expect many organizations struggle with who can attain each level of membership and why, and what the goals of the organization are vs. what the actual results of the organization are.

    In the end, with respect to square dance callers, a bunch of disgruntled callers split off from the main organization and formed their own.

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