Day 2262: Painful

Taking this walk might have been a mistake. I stopped recording early but I feel better having done it. Listening to it might not be pleasant.
#tommw 70F mostly cloudy. Calm

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2 Responses to Day 2262: Painful

  1. Robert Gregory Evans says:

    Re: runny nose. Did you grow up with the tradition that men should carry a handkerchief or bandana in one of their pockets? Solves the problem rather handily. If you carry an extra-large bandana (typically 27″ x 27″) you can also use it as an emergency tourniquet, even for an upper thigh wound (you need a pen to serve as a windlass). The other object that men of previous generations carried was a pocket knife, usually a slipjoint. I usually choose a Boy Scout knife, carried in a small belt sheath.

    What’s in your pockets? 😉

    Best wishes.

    • Nathan says:

      I did. My father always carried one.

      I *usually* have a handkerchief in the pocket of my hoodie but I didn’t wear the hoodie that had the hanky.

      And I need to make sure they all have one.

      Mostly my pocket holds my phone, my keys, and my wallet.

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