Day 2295: Surprise

My medical procedure got delayed until Tuesday. So I walked in the snow. To be fair, it didn’t start snowing until I was about halfway around the loop and only spit a bit. I talked a lot about bread.

#tommw 40F overcast. Windy
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2 Responses to Day 2295: Surprise

  1. Tibbi says:

    One of the things I loved about making a sourdough starter was using the natural yeast that just exists in the air. And with a nice flour locally made. Read about it at “The Pantry Mama”. 🙂
    Glad to hear you are getting stronger. 🙂
    Looking forward to the new books. 🙂

  2. Jim says:

    So excited for more Journeys of Ishmael but even happier with your journey to recovery. Positive & Healing waves your way.

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