Day 2314: Pretty Morning

I had a lot of commentary about Horizon Zero Dawn and what a beautiful morning it was. Nothing deep or earth shattering.

My brain is still replaying Mexican Radio in my head.

#tommw 58F clear. Breezy
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2 Responses to Day 2314: Pretty Morning

  1. Robert Gregory Evans says:

    Re: Wizard’s Cat and the million dollars owed to Roger: If he were an ordinary schlub without resources it would be simply tied up in lawsuits, with his lawyer getting the bulk of the money and Roger left with around 25%. Perhaps Shackleford’s lawyers, if Roger is allowed to avail himself of their services, wouldn’t be so rapacious.

  2. Mike says:

    Hi, It’s great that you’re recovering, or rather that you’re in recovery, and it’s so good that you’re up and about, these tommw entries are something I look forward to every day.
    Sorry to hassle, and maybe I’ve missed you saying it, but is there any ETA for the Ishmael books?
    So looking forward to them, and wanting to time my re-reading of the series so that there’s not too much time between finishing By Darkness Forged and the new book(s).
    Also will you be releasing the ebooks anywhere else other than Amazon? I have a Kobo and kindle books can’t be read on it….really don’t want to go out and buy a Kindle ereader
    All the best, take care and keep on keeping on

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