Day 2432: Happy New Year?

I managed to get my boots on and get out there again. Cold, below freezing, but not terrible.

I rambled while I rambled. Talked about what I’ve been doing for the last month or so.

3 Responses to Day 2432: Happy New Year?

  1. Robert Evans says:

    Glad you’re out and about again. I feel almost personally responsible for your problems with the cat, it’s as if I hung an albatross around your neck. “ALBATROSS!”

    I always wanted to be a lighthouse keeper – – not a tower light, but one of the screwpile-style lighthouses found in Chesapeake Bay. These are basically wooden houses raised on piles above the water, with a light in the attic. All opportunities in this line of work have passed, of course, at least in the USA – – lights are all automated now. A Forest Service fire tower observer was another solitary pursuit I contemplated as well, and those have mostly gone by the way now too. Jobs as drawbridge keepers still exist, however…

    The cat story doesn’t have to be primarily about the cat; it can still be Roger’s story, with the cat playing a supporting role. Roger still has to collect his million-dollar bonus from Naomi – – that seems like part of a story. He has a magical object around his neck, and we don’t know long-term how that will affect him – – that seems like part of a story. Shackleford House needs to begin being altered to meet new challenges and inhabitants, that could be part of a story, and would lead to the final book in the trilogy, The Wizard’s Staff, in which new employees are hired – – a cook, a couple of maids, a maintenance man, maybe a garage attendant/chauffeur.

  2. Tibbi says:

    Good to hear the road noise as you walk. Lets us know you on the way to getting back to your routine.
    I personally don’t care about the cat story onecway or the other. Sometimes stories just don’t jell.

  3. Anita Lewis says:

    Great to hear from you! It got down to 30 here in my area of Florida and I did not walk until afternoon when it was a bit warmer. So, I admire you for getting out there. Maybe this won’t be an everyday thing for awhile, huh?

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