Day 2433: Pastafarian

Talked about yesterday’s dentist visit. Waxed rhapsodic over Nongshim Shin ramen and burning the living heck out of my mouth but it was ooohh so good. Also The Sad Bastard Cookbook (which Amazon seems to have taken umbrage over).

#tommw 28F scattered clouds. Light breeze. Blue sky sprinkled with a few whispy clouds over a frosty field of matted winter grasses. The dawn paints with a delicate touch on the horizon.
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2 Responses to Day 2433: Pastafarian

  1. Tibbi says:

    Yeah for another walk

  2. Graham says:

    I love Shin ramen! Try cracking an egg in to the pot half way through, it will poach as the noodles cook. You can break the yolk over the noodles while eating it which is a delicious change of pace and/or mix it in to the broth which tempers the heat a bit.

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