Day 2440: Blue Sky

A gorgeous morning for a walk. Talked pens, the Cat, time travel books I’m reading.

#tommw 46F clear. Breezy. A perfectly clear sky above the noonday snow in the park.
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3 Responses to Day 2440: Blue Sky

  1. Robert Evans says:

    That was a fun podcast. If you want my advice on the minimal fountain pen budget for this month, just buy a converter for your Safari (as little as $6.99 on Amazon) and a bottle of ink to fill it with. Maybe pick up an Italic nib so you can do some basic calligraphy – – that’s another entire rabbit hole in itself.

    As for the Cat, how about starting a post on Article 37 asking for ideas as to a story? You have hundreds of members at this point, all of them intelligent, many of them creative, and you can quickly crowd-source a story line that way. Don’t give away which story ideas you choose, but give the suggesters credit in the acknowledgements page of the book. Make clear in the Article 37 post that credit in the acknowledgements is the only reward offered for suggestions, and that by participating in the thread the commenters waive any monetary interest in the book.

  2. Anita Lewis says:

    Lots of chuckles around the word “poop.”
    And you sound like a chemist with the bread baking. That was fun.
    Really fun today! I think you had a mystical experience! The geese, the sky, the pen…

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