Day 2504: Soggy

Finally. Everything is a bit soggy and it started to rain before I got back but I managed to get a nice walk in without getting soaked.

Talked about bread, a lot. Pens a bit. Just finished KT Hanna’s Library Reset: Overdue. Really fun book. Too bad the sequel won’t be out until November. Really underscores the frustration some of you must feel waiting for Butler 2: Eclectic Boogaloo.

#tommw 62F overcast. Light breeze
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2 Responses to Day 2504: Soggy

  1. Zebulon Dakota says:

    You definitely need a new scale that measures to 0.1 grams.

    This one is cheap and has been dead reliable for several years and in calibration based on a set of calibrated weights.

  2. Zebulon Dakota says:

    I forgot to add – getting the right yeast amounts for long cold proofing are an interesting experiment. I’m currently ready to take two two pound pans out of the fridge after 4 days. I’d forgotten to reduce the amount of yeast, but they seem about right. I’ll let them warm up when I start the oven.

    I just finished pizza dough that underwent cold fermentation for 4 days and was the best pizza dough I’ve ever made. I did 4 big pinches of yeast for that one – the total didn’t even measure 0.1 gram, but it came out perfectly. Keep plugging at it – for me it’s a continuing experiment 🙂

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