Day 2517: Cool-ish

I was chilly when I started but warmed up. Mostly talked about pens (I love my Waterman Phileas) and my fading infatuation with Fallout 4. Very nice morning for a walk, though. I’ll have to do it more often now that the weather isn’t trying to kill me. At least until it starts trying again.

#tommw 60F few clouds. Light breeze
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One Response to Day 2517: Cool-ish

  1. Anita Lewis says:

    I took a look at the View and am very interested in the first article on beginnings. The blurb by that link spoke of writing the first book to learn podcasting in 2007. That was when I heard about you on a Linux bulletin board or whatever those things were called. Not much interested in help with writing and selling books, but that is a great source for those who are.

    Do you remember back when you mentioned Old Hickory Road by EJ Ruek? I loved that book and stayed in touch with the author aka Dawn Keur. I’m thrilled that her writing and book selling has taken off. That’s what happens when you’re in your 70s – thinking on those important things in life.

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