New Rules: Treadmill Edition

After consultation with my better half, I’ve agreed to only walk on the treadmill for … well … at least awhile.
She fears me collapsing on the sidewalk, unable to call for help, being ignored by the small number of people who might happen upon my unconscious body.
I accept her reasoning.
It’s not that I think it’s likely, but it seems a simple thing to remove at least one of the many concerns she has about the current situation.
That said…
I’ll post here periodically in text form. If you haven’t heard from me in a while, poke me.

Today marks the 1/3rd point in my treatment. I’m still alive. Still kicking. My motto remains “Survive Today.” I’m doing what I can to reduce the burden on those caring for me and appreciate all of you for your support over the years.

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4 Responses to New Rules: Treadmill Edition

  1. Glenn Oltman says:

    Thank You

  2. Anita Lewis says:

    Sounds like wisdom. I have this on RSS so I won’t miss an installment.

  3. Tibbi says:


  4. Abbott Smith says:

    Safety first Captain.

    That being said just a quick follow up on strangers helping. A few years back I was walking on my lunch break and went into a severe hypoglycemic low. As I was blacking out I phoned my sister. She immediately called 911. But so did a random stranger who saw me collapse. He immediately stopped and waited with my passed out body until the ambulance arrived. I have no idea who he was. I only know he helped save my life because he gave emergency services a precise location.

    We cannot rely on the kindness of strangers but his actions reminded me that it does exist. I felt like Capt Allison on the Sarcastic Voice. And his actions gave me the gift of a more hopeful outlook.

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