The post-treatment scan happened last week and I got the news from the oncologist a few minutes ago.
While there are a couple of issues to look at (inflammation in the throat and esophagus), the scan did not show any residual or additional disease.
Now, I just need to recover from the treatment.
That’s fantastic! I’ve been trying to keep a “trust Lois” attitude for you, but it’s a lot scarier and more difficult in real life. So glad you’re in the clear!
Excellent!!! Hope you can start making your “rounds” soon. Bob
Happy Dance!!! I’m so glad for you, Nathan.
Wonderful news
I hadn’t kept up with you lately, but every once in a while I would yearn for Ishmael and check your website. Hooha, things have been happening. Let me just say: EAT! EAT! EAT! I had a full hysterectomy, followed by chemo and went bald, but didn’t lose energy. Food tasted funny for two days, but then I got HUNGRY. I was eating five meals a day – full on meals, not snacks – and went back to work right after. Word of advice: start with the MEAT – when I tried to start with starch or salad, I’d get sudden onset fatigue. It was my body telling me that it needed protein to fight the chemo. Try it, please. (When Steve Jobs said he was going vegetarian during his treatment, I shouted No! at the screen – the time to “eat healthy” is Before you get cancer; afterward, you have to help your body rebuild, and that takes protein.) Am I ranting? Sorry. Best wishes to you & yours. Pulling for you to get back in the game.