I don’t spend much time here at my desk so a lot of my connections are going unanswered. Sorry about that.
I’m slowly on the mend. I’ve started a little light walking, and some weight work to try to rebuild a bit of muscle mass. My mouth is still the main problem. I can’t eat properly yet because my tongue has a mind of its own these days.
Thanks for hanging in with me.
Hi there! It’s sounds like the process is going in a positive direction. I hear the struggle, too. Hang in there!
Nathan we will all be here to read your books when you are ready.
Look after your good self Sar.
There are a lot of people around the world in your court.
Ta for what you do – you make a difference.
Have a great day.
Paul from Aussie Land
These are steps in the right direction. I’ll keep you and your family in my thoughts, and keep hoping for continued recovery! Cancer treatment takes a lot out of a person. Like Ishmael studying for his full share, I’ll hope for one bite at a time literally, and figuratively. You’ll get this elephant down, I believe it!
Glad to hear it.
This is my first time posting though I read to keep track of your progress. Seems like getting well is a full time job. I sometimes read your book recommendations and today I’ve started The Choice of Magic and it seems promising. Thank you for the time you spend keeping connections with fans.