Face To Your Audience


Common wisdom holds that writers need a website. It's probably a good idea for most people engaged in any form of business that involves a public wider than the people with you in the room. Most people use a content management system, usually some form of blog, to manage their writing and posting.

Having a website serves some important functions.

  1. It's your place on the web. A kind of storefront/office where readers can find you. A place not beholding to the vicissitudes of the landlord in some walled garden.
  2. It's where you put your email list signup.
  3. It's a warehouse for ideas that didn't make it into your stories - virtual DVD extra features.
  4. It's where you communicate with your fans - and the people who will become your fans over time.

All of those serve one audience, your readers and the people who may become your readers, but that last point hides an important problem.

What to communicate? How often?

Advice on how often is all over the map. At least once a week. Three times a week. Always on the same days of the week. Never on Sunday. Doesn't matter as long as it's regular and often.

But almost nobody talks about what you should write beyond:

  1. A list of your stories and where to find them
  2. A "press kit" with a headshot and brief bio
  3. Cover reveals
  4. News of new releases

What about that blog? You've got a perfectly good content management system there. Why not use it?

So, of course, you do and that's where I see too many writers spending a lot of time and energy writing about writing. Obviously, I don't think there's anything wrong with that, but too often I'm left wondering why they're doing it.

Face to your audience.
Peers at your back.

What do readers want to know?

With few exceptions, they only want to know a few things:

  1. What's your next book?
  2. When's it coming?
  3. Will it be in the format I want?
  4. What are you working on now?
  5. What are you going to work on next?
  6. Are you going to be somewhere in person?
  7. What's a good book I can read while I'm waiting?

Yes, writers are readers and we like to know what our fellow word-herders think about this or that facet of the biz.

The problems arise when you only write about how to torture characters to facilitate their growth along the story arc or the ten tips for finding a few minutes to write in the course of a busy day. (Yes, I've seen those posts.)

What happens when your website becomes a source for writers - not readers? When you want readers to know about your new release, or to tell them that it's being held up because the artist is redoing the cover art, or that the audiobook has hit the digital shelves?

Sure, you'll email them because that's what the email list is for, but they have to come to your site to sign up first. If the only thing they see is writer talk? Maybe they don't sign up for that.

There are authors who manage to do both well, but they're in the minority. I hear too many authors complaining that they have trouble finding an audience or have no following, and when I look at their websites, they're talking craft. They're talking about their business and not about their art.

Worse, they're spending valuable writing time to do it.

How long does it take to write a 500 word blog post three times a week? That's time that didn't get spent on their next book.

Nobody can focus on one thing very long. Of course, we have to break it up. But I'm not hearing that writers have so much writing time on their hands that they have to put it down to take a break from the story in order to dash out 500 words on the four pillars of good storytelling.

The "what do I write today?" issue arises because writing and publishing is slow work. Not much changes from day to day unless you're writing shorts and, even then, a good short story can take a while to develop. Writing long form takes even longer. Trying to satisfy the you must post this often, you must write every day rules can break your brain.

So writers write about writing because they feel like they have to write something and "I'm still working on 'A Hard Row To Hoe' this week" doesn't feel right.

But what if you stopped doing that?

Set your own pace. "I'll tell you how it's going on Saturday." A short blurb on one or more of the topics of interest to readers. Set up a template for the posts so you only have to fill in the blanks. Make it fast and easy so you can actually have time to make more progress on the actual writing work instead of the writing-adjacent work.

Personally, I post to my blog on the first of the month. I give the readers an update on what happened in the previous month with me personally and with all the pieces in play across my various franchises. I give them a book recommendation so they have something to read going forward. I tell them what I'm planning for the coming month. That's it.

I do the same thing on my newsletter but on the 15th so the hardcore fans get 2 updates a month.

It's also why I started "The View From Here" so I could do the writer-talk in a place separate from the reader-talk. I spend the time to write here because I think it's important that we actually have peers at our backs. Peers who can help us and peers we can help in turn.

Face to your audience. Peers at your back.