The End


This project began with me wanting to help new writers over the initial hurdle of craft, but I don't know that much about craft. Lots of people with more and better writing chops have done it better than I ever could.

What I discovered is that new writers need to learn how to publish.

Whether it's through a traditional outlet or DIY, that process of getting from "final draft for now" to "published work" can be opaque until you've done it a few times.

It's akin to moving into a new neighborhood and having to learn where the good pizza joints are and how to get rid of your trash in a foreign country where you don't speak the language.

What I've written may be total bullshit. It might or might not work for you in your context. It works for me in my context. Context is everything.

The idea I want to leave you with is simple.

You can do it.

You may not succeed in reaching your goal, whatever it might be. That's the thing with art and probably the least talked about factor in being a writer. The point is not reaching a goal. It's finding your path and walking it.

You may flounder about. You'll inevitably stumble. There will be days, if not years, where you wonder if it's worth it.

But remember this one thing.

You can do it.