Grassin’ season starts today!
Actually it’s cold and wet here. We’ve had snow all weekend.
Several bits of good news.
Podium’s edition of Quarter Share is available for pre-order. Release date is May 10.
The Starbound anthology – with Exile in it – is free for a few days. Grab it while you can. It’ll be coming down soon and the story will come home. My plan is to put it in the beginning of Milk Run. That’s where it belongs.
Speaking of Milk Run, it’s finally coming together. I’ve got my fingers crossed for the completion of first draft this month so I can move it on to the editor who’s been waiting for it since November!
Once I get that off my plate I’ll be working on To Fire Called, but I’ll be lucky to get it out before Christmas at the rate I’m going. My estimating ability has proven to be horribly unreliable so I’m not going to push my luck.
I will not be attending BaltiCon this year. It’s my younger daughter’s high school graduation weekend and I’m needed here. So it goes.