June Already?

It’s a measure of how scattered and distracted I’ve been that June started last week and I forgot to update. Sorry about that.

The current WIP is Milk Run, the first book in the Smuggler’s Tales. I’m about 30k words into it and I think I’m about 1/3rd of the way into it. It’s a bit of a struggle because it’s the first book of a new series set in the Golden Age universe that’s not featuring Ishmael Wang and company. My goal is to get it done this month and over to the editor for an August 1 release. Fingers crossed on that.

I’m also working on the galley proof for In Ashes Born. That means paperbacks will be available soonish. I need to get them ready for some events coming up this summer.

Which brings me to the next item, I’ve been short-listed for the Rocky Mountain Fiction Writer’s Independent Writer of the Year Award. They’ll announce the winners in a reception in July and we’ll all be together in a program at the Tattered Cover Bookstore in August. In September, I’ll be at their annual writers’ convention – Colorado Gold – and October is MileHighCon.

So, there’s a lot happening.