Audible Update

We’ve been expecting to see Full Share hit the pre-order queue at Audible around the middle of the month.

I just checked in with their new author liaison and learned that the release will be delayed by a month while they re-work the cover art to fit the audio market better.

Look for Full Share on pre-order around August 4th and for release on August 13th.

I’m just the messenger.

Mid Summer

June seared the sidewalks here and I suspect July will be hotter.

Where are we:

1. Quarter Share and Half Share are both out in Audible. Podium contracted Jeffrey Kafer to narrate all the Ishmael Wang stories. I’m expecting to see Full Share available mid-July.

2. Paperbacks for In Ashes Born are now available on Amazon.

What’s coming:

1. I’m finishing the first book in what I’ve been calling the Smuggler’s Tales. I’m not sure that’s going to be the final series title because the stories are less about smuggling and more about life in Toe-Hold space. I’m at 65k words. I think the book will run about the same length as Ashes (about 100k words).

2. I’ll find out about the Independent Writer Of The Year award in a couple of weeks. This is the first year that the Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers organization has presented an award to self-published authors. They’ll make the grand announcement on the 13th.

That’s it for now. I’m hoping to get this manuscript finished in the next few days but I’m terrible at judging these things. It’ll be done when it’s done.

For more background on Toe-Hold space, I wrote some small pieces about some of the outposts there and posted a Travelers’ Guide to Toe-Hold Space over on