September Song

01-Milk_Run_corcy_ebook_smallerThe newest book is out!

The first book in the new Smuggler’s Tales dropped and I’m pleased with the results so far. Milk Run features Natalya Regyri and her wingman, Zoya Usoko, in an adventure in Toe-Hold space. It took me long enough to get the book going but I’m pleased with the way it has worked out.

Some of you will recognize the first three chapters as the short story “Exile” which appeared earlier this year in the Starbound anthology. Starbound was only available for three months and has now been taken down from Amazon but when I got the story back, I knew it was the perfect opening for Milk Run.

You can find more information about Toe-Hold space on the Solar Clipper Diary’s side-bar under A Traveler’s Guide To Toe-Hold Space.

Next in my word processor: To Fire Called – book two in the Seeker’s Tales – where we find out what’s happened to Ishmael, Pip, and the Chernyakova. I’m hoping for a release before year’s end.

Audiophiles have already found the new Audible editions of the Trader’s Tales. Podium has released the first three already and Double Share is available for pre-order from Audible now.

Later this month I’ll be in Denver at the Colorado Gold Conference of the Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers. There’s a public book signing at the Denver Renaissance Hotel from 8-10pm. If you’re in the area and always wanted to get a signed edition, that’s a great chance. It will be my first time attending and I’m looking forward to a weekend of hanging with other local writers.

That’s it for now.

Safe voyage!