Autumn Update

autumnOctober is one of my favorite months. The cooler weather, the changing colors, and the shift in diet to soups and stews all remind me of growing up in rural Maine. While I don’t have to dig up the potatoes any more, and my gardening is limited to clipping back the odd shrub, it’s still a month I look forward to.

This year, I’m looking forward to finishing To Fire Called and getting it out. I’m about 27k words into it and – while the story isn’t what I expected (they never are) – I’m still pleased with what’s happening.

Podium releases Captain’s Share on Audible this month. It’s available for pre-order now and will drop on October 11. Owner’s Share is on schedule for release in November and In Ashes Born in mid-December. That’s another little spur to get To Fire Called done. They’ve reserved a slot in December for Jeffrey to record it for release in January. But I have to write it first.

Milk Run has had some mixed reviews. At least a few people expected more in the way of smuggling and we might see that. My goal was to introduce Natalya and Zoya, Toe-Hold space, and give readers a chance to see how it is so they can compare it to what Pip has told Ishmael about it. I achieved my goals and I’m pleased with the way the book has been received in general.

Last month I was at the Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers annual Colorado Gold conference and later this month I’ll be at MileHighCon – the annual SF fan convention in Denver. I’m still planning on going to COSine in January.

Some of you may have noticed that the websites were all offline last week. We did a little cleanup and de-lousing with the help of Bluehost’s support team. Apparently we’d become infested with some unsavory hitchhikers. In theory we’re cleaned up and spiffy now.

Thanks to everybody for your continued support. Safe voyage.