A Decade

On this day in history, I took up the challenge to write science fiction. Little did I know what I’d started.

It’s true that I wrote four books that year – and podcast them all at podiobooks.com before the year was out. I haven’t managed to replicate that feat, and I probably never will. Starting out, it’s easy to find something to do better on the next book. After twelve titles, just defining what better might be becomes a challenge – as is finding new stories to tell.

I’m working on being the best storyteller I can be. I don’t expect to be a master of this craft I’ve come to late in life, but I aspire to becoming “better” at it. One book at a time.

Thanks for all the support over the years.

Safe voyage.

Happy 2017

I’ll remember 2016, not exactly fondly but not exactly with warm regards. Mostly I’ll remember the great fans and getting Milk Run out the door finally. I’ll remember it because it’s the year I started my bullet journal and I’m looking forward to increased productivity in 2017.

On the plate:

  1. Finishing To Fire Called. I’m 65k words into it and I think I shoulda taken that left turn at Albuquerque. I’ll find it right path and finish it as soon as I can.
  2. Suicide Run is waiting in the wings and we’ll see how Natalya Regyri fares against the universe.
  3. By Darkness Forged falls after that. I have an idea where this is all going, but getting there – well – that’s the journey, isn’t it?
  4. Home Run should round out a year of four releases. Yeah, I know I’ve tried to do this before and failed. Maybe 2017 will be the year I repeat 2007 with four releases in a single year.

Other stuff:

  1. I’m working with a different production company to produce Tanyth’s stories. I’ve seen the contract and it’s not horrible but I’m dragging my feet for the moment.
  2. Travel: I’ll be at COSine in Colorado Springs in January. I’m planning on BaltiCon in May and MileHighCon again in October.

That’s about it from here other than to thank you all for hanging in through what has been a very hard year for all of us. I’m doing my best and looking forward to doing even better in the coming months.

Here’s hoping each of you have a safe – and profitable – voyage.
