Ground Hog Day

That time of the year when I stick my head up to update you on what’s happening.

The good news is that I’ve finally broken the logjam on To Fire Called. I figured out what I’d done wrong.

The bad news is that I may have made another bad turn and I can’t seem to find the path to the end of the story.

Fingers crossed that this doesn’t last much longer.

On the subject of audio: I’m getting a lot of pressure to put Natalya’s stories into Audible. They’ll get there, just not right away. I don’t have the time I need to give them the attention they need. I can’t even seem to find the focus needed to finish the galley proof for the paperback of South Coast that’s sitting on my desk.

All told, this hasn’t been an auspicious start to the year, but I’m working at it.

Here’s hoping I see my shadow tomorrow and can burrow back into the words.