I got yet another request for paperbacks this morning, asking for a schedule. I left a reply on the comment itself – and also replied to the accompanying email but here’s what it looks like right now for publication schedule…
It takes about a month per title. I’m working on the paperback of Half Share now and should have it done by the end of the month.
Full Share in February
Double Share in March
Captain’s Share in April
I don’t have Owner’s Share back from the editor yet, but if I get it back in time I’ll publish that in ebook as soon as possible and paperback in May.
Then on to revise and re-release Ravenwood in June, Zypheria’s Call in July, and Hermit of Lammas Wood in August.
By then I should have South Coast back and will publish that in ebook as soon as possible and paperback in September.
The rest of the year will be recording audio for those books that don’t have it yet. The Tanyth Fairport stories – arguably much better – are suffering because they’ve not had the same exposure as Ishmael Wang has enjoyed. I need to fix that.
Hardcovers will have to wait until 2015.
My six book year will have to wait for a bit, too.
My plan is to approach publishing as my “day job” and see if I can carve an hour or two a day out of the schedule to actually write something new. There won’t be any 10,000 word days in there, but I might be able to get something written by mid summer for publication in the fall. If I can get those paperbacks out sooner, then of course, I will because that will be one huge load off my back.
Stay tuned.