Clearing Away the Fog

The old Johnny Nash lyric keeps running through my head. “I can see clearly now. The rain has gone.” It might not be quite as clear as before, but compared to October I’ve got a lot more focus.

I’ve been writing again. Only a couple of hours a day, but I’m making progress.

Two factors drive this progress: I set up an account on Mastodon to talk about writing and I’m making progress in my favorite game – Ark Survival Evolved. Between the two, they’re helping clear away the fog, providing me with focus, and making me feel like I’m finally making progress.


I’ve moved the various Ishmael files onto my main writing computer where I can get at them easily. I really like the way things are developing with the new through-line. It’s still a little choppy and slow going but it’ll smooth out as I make more progress on the new beginning.

Wizard’s Cat is still on hold.

What Am I Reading?

For starters, I’m not reading forty books a month any more. This month has seen a lot of samples that didn’t make the grade. Not that they were bad books. Just not the books I wanted to invest time in.

A couple of standouts: Aestus by S Z Attwell captured my attention for the superb world building and wonderful characters. The Mechanics of Magic by W B J Martin breathed some fresh air into the “hidden prince” trope. Both are great starts to what look like fun series.

Mjke Wood’s Deep Space Accountant got its hooks in me early in the month and I haven’t been able to let it go. Lots of fun reading that set up the series. I’m looking forward to getting into the Sphere of Influence series once I clear away the 25 new samples I have waiting for my attention.

Mostly it’s a comedy of errors with a nice helping of derring-do, out of the box thinking, and a main character I couldn’t help rooting for.

Maybe grab a sample and see what you think.

Looking Forward

The ENT and GI people have cleared me. The anomalous readings from the PET scan have been checked out and found to be nothing. I’ve been eating solid food for the past few weeks and enjoyed a full turkey dinner on Thanksgiving. Small but some of everything. I even cooked the feast myself.

I’ve a lot to be thankful for.

At the moment, I seem to have dodged a bullet with cancer. My family continues to fill in the blanks for me when I can’t do something, although those blanks have become fewer and farther between lately.

I am most thankful for you – the fans – who’ve been patient and understanding for the past few months as I’ve had to deal with everything. Your continuing support means the world to me.

Until next month, safe voyage.

15 thoughts on “Clearing Away the Fog

  1. So glad to hear the fog is clearing. And glad you were able to enjoy your Thanksgiving Dinner.

    As for Ishmael — I’m certainly glad you’re able to work on him, but quite willing to wait. Frankly, your health is what really matters. Take care of yourself.

  2. The universe you created for Ishmael certainly helped me through my own dark times, I am very grateful for your support and I am more than pleased that your family, and fan base’s support now gives strength to you…

    Really looking forward to the future tales……

    Stay strong

  3. Glad to hear there is no second round and you’re getting healthier. Look forward to the new Ishmael and having support helps. Wish you a great Christmas.

  4. This has been a very stressfull week in the classroom. Students are jumping out of their skins for Christmas break. I turned to your books to help me destress. I finished both the Wizard and Quarter Share. Thanks for books that are engaging, fun and a relief when times are tough.

  5. Keep on working away at your program. So I think of you and your books regularly since they gave me a boost years ago when I had surgery on my left foot. It was a low point that led to shingles 3 months later. That was 9 years ago. You can overcome anything with help from family and friends and a good support system. Take good care of yourself and enjoy what you do.

    Caught COVID last week and were grateful for all the shots we have (hubby and I). Made him deal with the dr right away too, so recovery and quarantine is not so bad.

  6. Great news!! What an encouraging update! Very happy to hear that you’ve been cleared by the medicos and that you are getting stronger and more focused every day. Going through something like this helps the focus, that’s for sure!
    Hope you have a wonderful Holiday and burst into 2023 with energy and verve!

  7. Merry Christmas Sar! Hope you, your family and all the crew and sponge holders here have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. God Bless.

  8. I’m so glad you’re feeling better! I hope everything keeps with the positive progression for you too

    I’m so excited for more Ishmael!! The solar clipper series (Traders, smugglers and seekers) are my go to rereads/listens. I started listening back with and now I own them. I practically listen through them all then go back to the beginning when finished to start all over again! Thank you for such wonderful tales I can get lost in that never get boring when repeated.

    Happy Holidays and I wish you the best heath safe voyage!

  9. I am very happy to hear you’re feeling better. I found your Ishmael series just this last month and it sucked me in hardcore!! I’ve purchased the Lois omnibus and I was wondering if the other two trilogies would be made into similar omnibi. If not, no worries. I just have to by a book each paycheck. Please keep writing wonderful stories, from a new and excited fan!

    1. I don’t have any plans for them atm.

      I’m mostly focusing on getting well, working on the various story bibles to remind myself of what I wrote, and trying to get the three new Ishmael books into shape.

      Welcome aboard and thanks!

  10. I am severely dyslexic, so reading has always been a challenge. Thanks to Audiobooks and semi-retirement I have become a fan of yours.
    With as much as I want more books from you, I wish, more, for your health and well-being. Heal, be happy and enjoy your experiences. Write because you can not because you have to. If I could I would see if Sara would find a Wilkie (sp?) for you.
    Blessed be.

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