
  1. This email goes to Nathan Lowell.
  2. If you are reporting a broken link, please include the page the link was on (e.g. and which link was broken.
  3. If you are reporting a typographical error (typo), please include the title of the book, what’s wrong, and a few words around the typo so he can find it with “search” 😀
  4. If your question has to do with a book, movie, podcast, or other project Nathan has worked on, please submit your question using the form below. The webmaster does not have as much information as Nathan.
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8 thoughts on “Contact

  1. Nathan make a pot of coffee you know your history get it together no how regain your confidence awake gather another award continue your first accolade fulfill your dreams

  2. Tried leaving a message about Librivox mishandling your stream, but the send button’s Mad Eye Moody eyeball just keeps spinning. If your web guru isn’t a Javascript wunderkind, hit me up. I’m not either, but I’d be happy to pitch in & get this working.
    Nathan, I love every word I’ve heard so far. I hope your voice and your stories compete for longevity, and match each other at every step.

  3. As an author myself, these works inspire my thought process when writing.
    I so appreciate your talent and skills at putting “pen to paper” as the saying goes.
    Get better and please more on the Wizards Butler. We have everyone of your books.
    God speed.
    Your friend,
    Tracy Babione, Enid, Oklahoma

  4. Just finished my second read of both the Tanyth Fairborn trio and The Wizard’s Butler. I wait in anticipation for the next books in both series. Thanks.

  5. Hey there. I’ve listened to the entire Traders Tales series narrated by the author, but I now can no longer find them! There is/are an Audible version which doesn’t come close to the author’s in quality. Basically….are the original author narrated tales still available somewhere?

  6. I love all of your books . I have read all the ishmail wang multiple times.
    I would love to see continuation of the wizards butler.
    I would love continuations with more of his father and what happened
    To Sarah Krug.?

  7. I’ve just finished reading (actually listening, I have AMD) to The Wizard’s Butler. Thank you! the story keep my attention throughout and I enjoyed the pixies! Oh, a silly suggestion… please have a conversation with the cat, it may help a bit. Good luck.

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