Counting Down

I’m eyeing the calendar with a bit of suspicion.

Was there some kind of cosmic power failure and we missed a couple of months? Seems like it has gone really fast …


Marva Collins has started releasing. A pre-order for Working Class should show up on Audible any day now, I suspect.

The Wizard’s Cat seems to be hiding under the bed. I haven’t seen much more than a flash of fur disappearing around the corners of my vision when I turn my head quickly. Stay tuned.

Sad to say, that’s it for news for now.

What Am I Reading?

Looking back at my reading list, mostly the next books it series I’ve already talked about. John Wilker’s Grand Human Empire, a Mackey Chandler April book, Aaron Renfroe’s Resonance Cycle, a couple of Chaney and Maggert’s Backyard Starships, and – of course – Bob and Nikki.

I’ve just started a new series that one of you recommended – Brent Clay’s Assemblies of the Living.

Let me prefix with “way off my beaten path.” I’m not a fan of first contact stories, not a fan of omniscient point of view, not a fan of most of this first book in the series.

Yet, I couldn’t put it down.

Well, yes, I could but then I’d turn around and be sucked into it again. I just started the second volume and it’s just as compelling.

Characters, always. Riley, Clipper, AJ – and the cast of characters orbiting in their three-body problem – just keep me coming back for more. I can’t explain it.

But I can recommend it.

It’s not a “light read.” There’s a bit of heft to the science (more than a bit of physics and math), but the unfolding of the universe just keeps me coming back to see what happens next.

Before you commit to this one, maybe grab the sample to see if it’s something you can live with.

(And thanks, Bob.)

A generic look at the Earth's curvature under a starry sky with the full moon shining.

Looking Ahead

I’m not expecting any great revelations in the coming month. Holiday disruption, end of year hi-jinks, and a general sense of trying to make sense of what I want to accomplish next year will all take a toll on my executive function. I mean it’s only running on one-cylinder out of the four now, but I’ll baby it along until it smooths out.

Long time readers will know this cycle repeats itself periodically, just not predictably.

I still have a lot to process now that the immediate pressures of recuperation and recovery have bled off. I’m still physically weak. Still have issues eating. For the most part, I’m coping with it but I still have work to do.

Mostly I just need to give myself time.

Until next month, safe voyage.


9 thoughts on “Counting Down

  1. Have a great holiday season! Enjoy your family and take care of yourself. See you in the new year!

  2. Sending continued good wishes for your health, Nathan. And wishing happy holidays to all who see this.

  3. Maybe the cat is hiding because it wants to see what Ishmael and Zoya are up to? Maybe They along with Pip and Nats are adding their own little slice of heaven at Last Nail and planting a few firs for Christmas Trees.

    Happy Holidays Nathan, your whole family and our extended family here in the Deep Dark.

    1. That’s exactly what my cat suggested. With a tractor, at least hire Kim as Second Officer. The smaller ship, with ratings with years of experience with Ish and Zoya, will develop into a close knit family.
      All the ship needs is a cat.
      The cat appears from nowhere, periodically with the Butler. Now the ship has an episodic steward.
      Plus an alien intelligence: The Cat.

  4. Looking forward to The Wizard’s Cat. I loved the first book. I recently found the Tanyth Fairport series, absolutely loved. It’s been years , but will you bring her back? There was a comment at the end of last one that we will hear more from Lammas Woods. Wishing you continued healing and may the Guardians of the North, East , South and West keep you healing and send you strength to write your wonderful stories.

  5. Best wishes for your health and an enjoyable holiday season.

    Wanted to thank you so much because your Ishmael stories have me the confidence to make a career change by studying, passing the test and becoming a drinking water treatment operator!

    It is a great job, best pay of my life, interesting and I’m studying for the test to be eligible for a promotion.

    Thank you for helping me believe I could do it!

  6. FYI — the Pre-Order for Working Class on Audible is up and available. Release date is 6 February.

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