Mid February Update

Mid Month FebruaryThere’s a lot of red so far this month. My daily walk got interrupted by weather for ten days. That didn’t help my productivity.

This month has been mostly catching up on audio and working on Full Share’s paperback version. I’ve made some progress but not very much (about halfway). Half Share’s final galley proof should show up in a day or two and I’ll be able to release that one.

One thing crossed off my list so far this month: Cowry Catchers Book Five voice acting is completed.

Still left to do this month:

  • Finish Full Share
  • Wrap up Crudrat project work


Note: The red boxes marked “NS” are No School days for the progeny.

19 thoughts on “Mid February Update

  1. Hi Nathan,

    I take it from the fact that “_Owners_Share_ ebook” is missing
    from the to-do-this-month list that it is still MIA with the editor?


  2. Take your time Mr Lowell. I, for one am looking forward to reading it after having listened to it on podio.

    Another really good bit of work. Thanks for all you do.

  3. Any news on the audio version of Zypheria’s Call?
    I think it has been something like a year and a half since that first teaser went out and i am dying to jump back into that world

    1. I’m almost done with the audio work I owe to others.

      With any luck at all I’ll be able to do my own again soon 🙂

  4. It would be nice to finally have a “unified” set of the ebooks, where are all the covers are part of the same set. I hate buying a book series only to have the publisher mess things up or go under and leave the set unfinished and then the series getting a rebooted printing.

  5. Is Owner’s share scheduled to come out in Kindle books soon? I have the other solar clipper tales and am itching to read it and add it to my collection. I’m sure it’s worth the wait, but my fingernails are almost gone. LOL

    1. Clearly I haven’t made this clear enough.

      Owner’s Share will be out as soon as I can get it edited, formatted, and released.

      I will give no status updates on where that project is until I announce, “You can buy it NOW.”

      The reason for that is that “prediction” is a rather iffy game and every time I lose at it, people write me nasty notes about how stupid and unprofessional I am because I’ve failed to fulfill a promise. I’ve lost the prediction game a lot lately and my usually thick hide has been rasped down to a few bloody nerve endings.


      Owner’s Share will be released as soon as I can make that happen (yes, I will interrupt the paperback production for that) but until it’s on Amazon, I’ll not be rolling the dice on when I think that might happen.


      1. But…but…but…I want it NOW!!!!!

        (note: this should be in a dark blue text and you should envision me stamped my feet on the ground and pouting…..and……queue the oompaloompa’s!)

      2. I apologize. I don’t mean to imply that you are being difficult-I just didn’t realize that it was hung up. I WILL honestly counsel myself to patience and not bug you about it. But, please know I really enjoy your work. Again, apologies.

        1. Not a problem, Bob.

          There are two things that I get asked several times a week. I answer them several times a week.

          “What’s the status on Owner’s Share?” is the most common question. I forget that whenever I post a status update I need to clearly state, “Owner’s Share is still with the editor.” I didn’t do that last time.

          I’m praying that it won’t be long before we can change that to “When are you going to write a new book?”

          (The second most common question is “When will you publish these books in paper??”)

  6. I am also waiting with variable patience for the ebook of OWNERS SHARE, having just finished CAPTAINS SHARE.

    I got directed to QUARTER SHARE a couple of years back, when the only ebook version available was a PDF from someplace that had REAL problems with its typesetting software. It is a testament to your storytelling that I persevered despite the [sometimes mid-word] font and text size changes because I wanted to find out WHAT HAPPENED NEXT. I did not buy HALF SHARE from that place, though, but waited until it showed up at B&N.

    So now I guess I’ll have to sample the Lammas Wood books, to fill in the time.

    1. PDF?? Good lord, that takes REAL dedication.

      The only place I know of that published PDF was Smashwords … and you should have been able to find it in any format there.

      And, yes, they have real problems with formatting.

  7. Nathan,

    I was wondering if one of the projects you are working on is the next book for south coast shame? When Owners Share comes out I’m sure it will be a great relief to you. I’m sure we’ll see a post on the forums when that happens.

    1. The next new book I write will be Cape Grace, Glen.

      After that, probably the first book in the new Ishmael series.

      After that, probably the first book in the new not-Ishmael Solar Clipper series. (I think you’ll like it)

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