October Fest

Yeah. Not really. Just the monthly update.

Cape Grace is still in play. I’ll finish it or it’ll finish me.

November I’m starting the new series so sometime between now and then, Cape Grace will find the editor’s desk and get off mine.

Milk Run is up on Audible, in case you missed it.

About the New Series

I’m going back to Tanyth Fairport’s planet but a different continent with a different of cultures and characters but the same basic idea. Only women of a certain age get magic. The series is tentatively labeled “The Barbarian” and I’m planning three books.

I’ve been chipping away at the backstory with my elder child. We may write it together but she’s already contributed a lot to the project.

One of the things that I need to get back is the fun of writing. It’s not that writing Ishmael isn’t fun. It is. Natalya and Zoya are old friends.

But I have to “cleanse the palette” (yes, that kind of palette) and write something completely different to refresh my brain. These months with Otto and Sarah don’t count. Sorry. 🙂

6 thoughts on “October Fest

  1. Finally, yes! Just finished listening to it. Great narrator choice. Will there be audiobooks coming out at (and if so is there an estimate) for Suicide Run and Home Run? Thank you Nathan

    1. They are currently in production for Suicide Run and I’ve sent them the pronunciation guide for Home Run.

      I’m hoping that they’re doing one-a-month but they haven’t shared the official word with me.

  2. I’ve just bought a kobo ereader. Unfortunately it does not handle amazon file formats. I already have the original 6 “share” books in old kindle format which I can strip of DRM but I prefer not to do that if I can get a clean copy somewhere. Does anyone sell the remaining books in unencumbered form? There is one novella on the kobo store but nothing else I can find.
    I’ve just started re-reading the series and would like to get Seekers & Smuggler’s Tales to run through the sequence.

    1. The Amazon books are supposed to be DRM free. If yours aren’t, feel free to strip them. (Not all the stores are honoring my request.)

      And everything but Light in the Dark (the novella) is exclusive on Amazon. Sorry.

      1. Thanks both for the prompt reply and for requesting stores to provide DRM free material. I’ll pick up your latest and see how it works out. At least I won’t feel guilty about removing the DRM.

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