Some of you have probably spotted the advertising on the various free and bargain book sites. Today is the last day and Quarter Share is being promoted by Free Kindle Books and Tips.
Michael Gallagher has been a fan for a while and has graciously added a link to his review to the advertising to lend his personal support to helping me out with this. If you’ve a mind to help spread the word on Facebook or Twitter or anywhere else you might be active, you can help me and help a fellow fan by giving today’s post a share, like, follow, whatever.
You might also find his daily promo’s interesting so feel free to subscribe. Every new subscriber he gets helps his reach and you’ll get access to some of the best new indie authors when their works go on sale.
He also tells me you can register for a Kindle Fire giveaway.
The free/99cent pricing goes back to normal Monday so … if you’ve a mind to grab the Kindle versions (which will be linked to the Whispersync from Podium when they’re produced, hint, hint), this is a good chance to do that.